The SPY(SPDR… S&P500 ETF)… is Trending UPWARD – PLUS – 10.07 for the week ending 07/07/2023
Featured:France24-A continent away from the Kremlin, a host of African strongmen now wait for the chips to fall in Moscow. Russia’s foreign minister took to the airwaves Monday....
The Market Algo Newsletter: 063023
The SPY(SPDR… S&P500 ETF)… is Trending UPWARD – PLUS – 10.07 for the week ending 07/07/2023
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Featured in the Commentary Section:
France24-A continent away from the Kremlin, a host of African strongmen now wait for the chips to fall in Moscow. Russia’s foreign minister took to the airwaves Monday to immediately insist that it’s business as usual for the Wagner group’s ties to the continent. Why the haste? Turns out Yevgeny Pri
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---------- Patrick and Luna ---------
The Market Algo Newsletter
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Sam Warain
*** *** *** *** ***
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The SPY(SPDR, S&P500 ETF), is Trending UPWARD, PLUS 10.07 for the past week ending on 06/30/2023.
In our opinion – not investment advice – The Bulls – yet again - WILL rule for the trading week ending 07/07/2023!
Be Aware – Be Awesome –
To not miss out on the rapid changes in market trends – subscribe to our weekly MAG Newsletter!
For the upcoming trading week, ending on 07/07/2023, our proprietary algo forecasts the following potential trend for each of the following metrics – either Bullish or Bearish:
VIX index: Bearish!
VVIX index: Bullish!
SPY index: Bullish!
West Texas Intermediate – Crude Oil: Bullish!
QQQ: Bullish!
Copper: Bearish!
And of course, the VIX – SPY Correlation Variance” – Surprise – Surprise – Bearish, yet again!
Yet one more (ongoing) Sucker Rally – continues to unfold for the upcoming week!
So what?
So for the next week – the ongoing Bear market is yet again - in full swing- BUT – The Bulls are in control for the upcoming trading week!
Be nimble in trading this market- You do NOT want to be a bag holder when the rally comes to an end- which it surely will!
Our conclusion for the week ahead is that – our algo indicates that the Bulls at least for the week ahead – are yet again in control.
Nonetheless – as the Fed continues to manipulate the market – it is not surprising that the “rally” – on a sporadic- seemingly “random basis” - seems to have “legs”.
Typically – in a Presidentil year election cycle – some analysits say that the stock market “MUST” – “look good” to ensure the sheeple have the illusion that “it’s all good”. So – expect the periodic “rally” to manifest from time to time.
Our SPY-VIX Correlation Variation metric - – confirms - at least from a purely technical point of view (notwithstanding “manipulation” monkey business) - this coming week’s underlying bearish leanings!
In our opinion massive global bank runs are still ongoing- notwithstanding the massive printing of fiat money to “stem the run on banks”.
Some analysts say that QE, or Qualitative Easing is back again – at least for the banks!
This is – of course - NOT investment advice – but fasten your seat belts - a bumpy ride awaits!
Swing traders and day traders will make money – the traders that are not nimble will be crushed, in our opinion!
For the past few months, we have been saying that we are entering a global depression, not so much a recession!
Dan – at iAllegedly – on his YouTube channel - is sharing that the “D” word may be more likely than a mere recession!
More analysts and bankers are now forecasting the coming of a depression – NOT a recession!
What do YOU think?
The “Markets” – Disconnected from the Reality of “Main Street”?
We agree with other analysts, that the equity markets are completely disconnected from the reality of the collapsing economies of many countries around the planet!
When we have a bullish week as we experience – intermittently – during this epic bear market - it demonstrates - that Wall Street is oblivious to the pain being felt by Main Street! Indeed – this disconnect between Wall Street and Main Street is growing – a LOT!
We continue to think – that when a rally occurs – that it is nothing more than just another sucker’s bull rally in the ongoing bear market!
The Takeaway:
These sucker rallies can last for weeks at a time- during a Bear Market! When the rug pull comes – as it inevitably WILL - the result will be a dramatic decline in the market indexes – in our opinion of course!
More and more analysts are forecasting a catastrophic commercial real estate crash! All we can say is “Wow”!
We do not think we have seen the bottom.
Keep in mind, Volatility is still very much with us!
Indeed, The Bear Market is still very much still with us!
We always like to see at least a 3, or greater week period - in which the market is in a bull trend before we can determine a potential bottom for the market!
Be careful in trading for the next one to three weeks, – AND MORE!
It’s a jungle out there!
More details – and –
Our Full Disclosure:
This analysis is not investment advice.
We are not investment advisors!
Any financial information is for educational purposes only, not investment advice!
The global hyperinflation, the global supply chain dislocations, and of course… global drought, plus the “wars,” (take your pick: …Ukraine, Russia, China),…all of these negative factors are certainly not helpful for the bulls’ case!
Please note, Concerning our “VIX, SPY correlation-variance ” metric,
IF the VIX is trending DOWN. And the SPY is trending UP, for the most recent week of trading…then and only then will our VIX, SPY correlation-variance algo indicate a potential Risk-on, (Bullish) trend,… for the upcoming week,…
This indication of a potential Bullish trend, however, only happens,…currently,…on a very infrequent basis!...
As Doug Casey said in a recent interview, we are in a chaotic period in global markets!…
One analyst shared that bear markets may have 7 bull runs during the course of a bear market.
We may yet have a long way to go before we reach the bottom of this market!
Daniel Riley –Mr.TopStep:
provides daily updates on the markets:
His website & free email newsletter are a MUST!!! —Patrick
Commentary for 06/30/2023:
I am indebted to Robin Horsfall’s compelling and timely articles- originally published on LinkedIn!
Robin HorsfallView Robin Horsfall’s profile
Former SAS Soldier. Writer, Veterans Campaigner and Public Speaker. Operations Nimrod and Mikado06/19/2023
Published on YouTube: 06/28/2023
Corruption destroyed the effectiveness of the Russian army.
Money allocated for improvements was redirected, maintenance was ignored and training was reduced. As a result the once mighty Soviet Army was reduced to a weak inefficient farce. Many claimed the Russian armed forces were the second best in the world. Now they are the second best in Ukraine.
In Europe, we don't need corruption to destroy our armed forces, the forces of economics and politics have done just that. If the money for improvements, maintenance, manpower and materiel isn't provided then the result is the same, nothing works! When the British army arrived in Afghanistan ammunition was in desperately short supply, in fact it was so short that faulty ammunition was knowingly provided. The British Forces became known as 'The Borrowers'. They couldn't manage alone.
That process has continued for thirty years with the manpower of the armed forces reduced by as much as 50%. With a regular army of only 68,000 men it isn't enough to fill every seat in a premiership football stadium. When we consider that the teeth arms of infantry, artillery and armour constitute less than one third of that total we can claim only 25,000 fighting soldiers. Claims about investment in special forces are fabrications to convince the public that improvements are being made when they are not. The British Government continue to reduce manpower even when Ukraine has proved once again that in warfare the number of trained combatants is vital to success. Technology alone cannot win wars. Sustained bombing in WW2 and in Vietnam did not create victory. Industry and manufacturing cannot win wars alone, Jets cannot fly themselves (yet), infantry, armoured forces and artillery need at least a year of training to be competent.
We have seen the incredible effect of Ukrainian infantry supported by western technology, but they still have to get close to tanks, cross the minefields and take the trenches.
British Generals are not allowed to voice political opinions but they should have the courage to resign en-masse if they cannot defend our nation. The soldiers, sailors and airmen are all willing to fight but the question most of them ask is 'What with?' We have one soldier for every 1000 members of our population!
Defence of the realm is the priority of all governments. For a generation all parties have failed in that regard. We have a generation of young disenfranchised young adults with no opportunity or path in life. In 1972 when I joined the army aged 15, there were 13,000 young volunteers in Junior Service(under 18) and 150,000 in regular service. This opportunity not only trained soldiers it trained engineers, tradesmen, medics, managers and leaders of the future.
We need a strong armed forces, we have the people, we must provide the money and give 100,000 young adults a future. Without it we might just become the whipping boy for someone like Donald Trump!
Who Dares Shares!
Robin Horsfall
If you support my work go to and consider purchasing one of my books.
Robin HorsfallView Robin Horsfall’s profile
Former SAS Soldier. Leadership in every environment. Writer, Veterans Campaigner and Inspiring Speaker. Operations Nimrod and Mikado
Map of Ukraine- credit: Robin Horsfall- 08/08/2022:
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FYI: I comment on the “real-time” geopolitical blog posts I create for my Reddit “EndUkrainian Genocide” community:
The purpose of the Reddit community is to provide “real-time” updates on geopolitical events occurring worldwide AND connect peace activists and community organizers worldwide to share their journey: Together we CAN climb that mountain!
***************************** -------- *****************************
On to the “Main Event”:
I post the URL for each news item I share in my REDDIT blog post - if you want to do a deep dive into the source material.
Not the most “elegant” and detailed way of commenting, but as your time is valuable, I try to be as succinct as possible in my comments! - Patrick
Here are the major “real-time” news items I comment on for this past week:
New stuff:
Stephen Gardner- Deep State hiding Alien Technology for THEIR benefit- NOT yours!-The Supreme Court blocks President Biden's illegal student debt cancellation bill. An independent Journalist calls the phone number supposedly listed in the Hunter Biden investigation which was a burner phone to reach
France24-A continent away from the Kremlin, a host of African strongmen now wait for the chips to fall in Moscow. Russia’s foreign minister took to the airwaves Monday to immediately insist that it’s business as usual for the Wagner group’s ties to the continent. Why the haste? Turns out Yevgeny Pri
More breaking events:
Greg Mannarino-LIVE! Consumer Spending Hits A Wall. Fed. DELIBERATELY KILLING SMALL BUSINESS. Be Ready For Anything Gregory Mannarino 247K subscribers
Poplar Rpt- Tens of thousands of protestors have begun rioting in the streets across France. French President Macron has issued curfews, suspended public transportation, and deployed 40,000 police to the streets. - Subscribe For Daily Breaking News & Shortage Updates / @thepoplarreport - Gen
Poplar Rpt-Hundreds of thousands of UPS workers are about to go on strike and it seems not to be all but inevitable. The UPS Strike would be the largest in US history. -Subscribe For Daily Breaking News & Shortage Updates / @thepoplarreport -Genesis Gold Group |
Greg Manarino- Inflation is the cause of Climate Change1- I did NOT make this up! - Watch Greg for more info on this incredible stuff that "They" are telling the sheeple!------Alert! THEY WANT TO BLOCK OUT THE SUN TO STOP CLIMATE CHANGE! Go Ahead... MAKE THIS UP! Mannarino Gregory Mannarino
Patrick Humphrey- Massive Attacks on US Critical Infrastructure- Now Imminent!-Prepare now for gas shortages. Gas shortages could spread over North America. Over 1,500 gas stations offline in Canada due to a massive cyber attack on Suncor Energy which operates Petro Canada gas stations. The Suncor c
Stephen Gardner-Lieutenant Colonel Tony Shaffer goes over the hard realities of the Russia Ukraine war. Colonel Shaffer breaks down what is happening in the Russia Ukraine war with Zelenskyy and Putin. We also talk about Troops in Syria and pushing back on Russian aggression.
CBN News-MUST WATCH:Surveillance photos from the French military show Wagner Group mercenaries burying bodies in the African nation of Mali. The Russian private army, known for its atrocities in Ukraine and designated a "Transnational Criminal Organization" by the U.S. government, has taken its di
CPRO Documentary-Must Watch-We travel to one of the poorest countries in the world that has become the hub of a major geopolitical game between Russia and the West. The Central African Republic is the testing ground for Russia's compelling ambition to take African countries into its sphere of influ
************ END *************
More breaking news is posted on my Reddit EndUkrainianGenocideNow Community!
Join now to keep up with events – as they happen! - - - Patrick
Go here:
Stay tuned for the next issue!
Another source of news and commentary that I follow and recommend is the one authored/published by Elaine Supkis- The Culture of Life News—Highly recommended:
********************** Break ***********************
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FOMO List and DD Sources (at the bottom of this newsletter for paid subscribers only)
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Symbol Quantity I own Avg Price Remarks (may not be any remarks)
AOSL 10 59.93 Alpha & Omega Semiconductor Ltd = Semi stock
ASML 8 733.95 ASML Holding N.V. - semiconductor equipment systems - VERY LONG TERM HOLDING!
BABA 2 126.00 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd
BLDR 5 64.80 Builders FIrstSource, Inc
CORN 5 22.70 Teucrium Corn Fund
DBA 5 20.16 Invesco DB Agricultural Fund
DVN 5 51.00 Devon Energy Corporation (pays a Dividend)
ESTE 100 13.20 Earthstone Energy, Inc - VERY Volatile!!!
KRBN 5 51.70 KraneShares Global Carbon ETF - carbon Credits ETF
NVDA 12 312.83 Nvidia Corporation - volatile!
ON 13 70.08 ON Semiconductor Corporation = semi stock
PDCE 5 59.80 PDC Energy, Inc - energy
RJA 5 8.93 ELEMENTS-linked2Rogers Intl Commodity Index - Agricultural Total Return
*** *** ***
Subscribe to my free weekly MAG Commentary on LinkedIn (Market Forecasts & Geopolitical Commentaries" to stay current on global geopolitics:
Also: Join my Reddit Community and share your journey to stop the genocide-in Ukraine:
Patrick OConnell
Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter!
Check out my 2 YT channels(my pen name is “Luna Maypole”)-to see how I use ChatGPT for YouTube:
Don’t miss Luna Maypole’s
“Pearls of Wisdom-Words to Live By”!
Global Thought Leaders’ Advice
For Today’s World Leaders:
If you want to follow NM-Kitty, as she travels around the planet- follow her at the link below. She is always looking for new adventures in more places to share the Meow of it all!
Don’t miss Luna Maypole’s latest Chapter of “NM-Kitty’s Meow Adventures”:
Find “NM-Kitty” on page 1 of “Google Search”!
AI image created by Patrick OConnell using BlueWillow software