The SPY(SPDR S&P500 ETF) is Trending Upward +13.67 for the week ending 08/12/2022
Our proprietary market also forecasts the following trends (Risk-on or Risk-off) for the week ending 08/12/22:
Full Disclosure:
An analysis published is not investment advice!
I am not an investment advisor. Any financial information is for educational purposes only – NOT investment advice!
The SPY(SPDR S&P500 ETF) is Trending Upward +13.67 for the week ending 08/12/2022
Risk-on (Bullish):
QQQ, SPY, VIX-SPY correlation-variance
WTI- Crude Oil, Copper
IMHO – I say- yet again - we may be witnessing the continuation of a “Bull Trap” – just my opinion- of course.
Volatility is still with us – be forewarned! MHO The Bear Market is still very much with us!
The global hyperinflation, the global supply chain dislocations, and of course – the “wars” (take your pick: Ulraine/Russia or China) -- all of these negative factors are certainly not helpful for the bulls’ case.
Note: FYI - Concerning my “VIX-SPY correlation-variance ” metric - IF the VIX is trending DOWN AND the SPY is trending UP for the most recent week of trading – then and only then will my VIX-SPY correlation-variance algo indicate a potential Risk-on (Bullish) for the upcoming week. This only happens - currently – on an infrequent basis! – FYI
Risk-off (Bearish):
A cautionary note to keep in mind (IMHO we are not yet seeing a confirmed bottom in the market – could be a LONG way off- with the operative word being LONG!) - as Doug Casey said in a recent interview - we are in a chaotic period in global markets.
For next week – ONLY (my algo ONLY forecasts potential market movement one week at a time- one week does NOT portend a long-term trend!).
My algo indicates that the Bulls – at least for the week ahead- remain in control.
Some say we are entering a global depression – not so much a recession. What do YOU think?
Doug Casey opines that we are indeed headed to the big “D”! He forecasts a bond market collapse and a stock market crash. He recommends intermediate-size oil companies. NOT the big ones!
Casey likes uranium stocks as well. He says he is long uranium stocks.
Interestingly, he likes the Uzbekistan stock market. I would NOT recommend investing there – unless you do your extensive due diligence. He mentioned it would be sort of a “lotto play” – Very risky!
IMHO I do not think we have seen the bottom – I always like to see at least a 3 week period in which the market is in a bull trend. Even then, the market can still sustain a bull trap or a so-called head fake for a prolonged period. Be careful in trading for the next one to two weeks!
I am tracking the weekly price movement of QQQ during 2022:
So, Moving forward, QQQ was a hypothetical “Buy” on 01/03/2020 at $401.68. IMHO this correction of QQQ remains in an indefinite period of profound weakness! No sign of a definitive bottom from this point moving forward!
Each week, I indicate the profit or loss, based on this (pretend) entry point. Let’s see where it ends up at the end of 2022!
As of 08/12/2022, this hypothetical trade shows a loss of - $71.29 (QQQ was $330.39 at the close on 08/05/2022).
Reminder: Daniel Riley –Mr. TopStep:
provides daily updates on the markets: His website & free email newsletter are a MUST!!! —Patrick
I am illustrating the P/L (Profit/Loss) results of Ed Barsano’s also in a paper-trading acct
Check out my P&L at this link – using Ed Barsano’s free Algo- no software to download: Just set up an account at TDAmeritrade- I Love the algo!
Here is the link:
Email Ed Barsano if you have any questions:
Full Disclosure for everyone:
Original Account Value: $7000 USD
Current Account Value: $9779.98 USD
As of market close on 08/12/2022 - All data is USD!
Initial equity in the paper account: USD $7000.00
Stock Price Shares Total Profit/Loss (pending & completed trades‘ results)
RUN 36.13 21 +109.36
NVDA 187.14 10 -70.30
PAAS 18.17 132 -135.44
Commentary for 08/12/2022:
I am indebted to Robin Horsfall’s compelling and timely articles- originally published on LinkedIn!
Published on LinkedIn: 08/12/22:
In most cases they are dead men walking.
Reports are coming to light that Russian citizens who have been persuaded to join up to fight in Ukraine are disappointed with their treatment.
Offered high wages many front line soldiers are complaining that they haven't been paid. It is very short sighted to employ and man give him a weapon and then not pay him. He will either down tools or turn that weapon on his commanders.
Video of young Russian men playing with pistols and lining up at mobile recruiting stations are very sad to see. They have no idea that Russia is losing (according to reasonable reports) an average of 12,000 men killed every month. They line up like lambs to the slaughter, not for patriotism but for promised money and lies. In most cases they are dead men walking.
Putin refuses to allow the bodies of his soldiers to be returned. Many mothers believe their sons are still alive! How sad is that?
This is so tragic, essentially Russian people are the same as everyone else, they study, dance, sing and love their children. If they knew the truth about Ukraine they would rise up against Putin.
The truth:
Russian is taking irreplaceable losses in men and materiel.
Russia is technically inferior to western weapons.
Russia is fighting without the support of the local population.
Russia has no strategic plan for ending the war.
Russia is becoming economically weaker by the day.
Russia has defaulted on its loans.
Russian unemployment is rising exponentially.
Young educated Russians are leaving in droves.
Russia, the largest country in the world is already a pariah state and lost its place.
Young Russians are not dying for Russia they are dying for Vladimir Putin.
Slava Ukraini!
Who Dares Shares
Robin Horsfall
Image Credit: Robin Horsfall – LinkedIn – 081211
Slava Ukraini!
Who Dares Shares
Robin Horsfall
Map of Ukraine- credit: Robin Horsfall- 08/08/2022:
Please view this awesome You Tube video – an interview with Robin Horsfall by Rouen Heiberg & Bryan Mennie(081022)”
Rouen Heiberg• 3rd+Sales Manager: Business Development3mo • 3 months ago
This weekend myself and Bryan Mennie, MSyL, CCCI, CFCI, CIPP/E. had the privilege of talking to. None other than Robin Horsfall about his time in one of the most respected special forces units in the world, The SAS.
He shared about his time in Northern Ireland, and the infamous Iranian Embassy Seige. I got goosebumps when he told that story!
What a pleasure to have him on the show.
Unfortunately Mr.Murphy brought the show to an abrupt end with a technical issue. We will have him back in the show.
Thanks for your time Robin. Talk soon.
PODCAST #21 - Interview with Robin Horsfall about his time in the SAS
PODCAST #21 - Interview with Robin Horsfall about his
Click on this link:
******** ******** *******
I found this excerpt from The Financial Times (Swamp Notes) to be most prescient of what is- what will be and what it means for everyone on the planet--- IMHO it is indeed the “shadow of things to come”:
FYI: I comment on the “real-time” geopolitical blog posts I create for my Reddit “EndUkrainian Genocide” community:
The purpose of the Reddit community is to provide “real-time” updates on geopolitical events occurring worldwide AND connect peace activists and community organizers worldwide to share their journey: Together we CAN climb that mountain!
***************************** -------- *****************************
On to the “Main Event”:
I post the URL for each news item I share in my REDDIT blog post - if you want to do a deep dive into the source material.
Not the most “elegant” and detailed way of commenting, but as your time is valuable, I try to be as succinct as possible in my comments! - Patrick
Here are the major “real-time” news items I comment on for this past week:
Repeated- This is timeless AND priceless information:
4/18/22: Doug Casey: the world is headed for chaos and radical change
URL --- MUST View (recurring- as this is most prescient):
Links to impactful geopolitical events- that you should know about:
I published this on 6/3/22:
Benefits Of Hydrogen Peroxide On Plants And In Your Garden-Hydrogen Peroxide And Plants?
Yes, H2O2 has many benefits in your garden ranging from a disinfectant for garden tools and pots and work areas, to an anti-fungal and pest control powerhouse spray. Its uses……: MORE here:
It's gonna get ugly- Real Soon- Russia/Iran/China are now prepositioning their military troops on our southern border! R ready for the ?"occupiers"?Russia is releasing their prisoners to volunteer to join military, after 6 mo they are pardoned. We need to do that. We have about a million ...MORE!
"THINGS WILL NOT GET BETTER" - WIDESPREAD CIVIL UNREST IS INEVITABLE - PREPARE NOW! Chapters: Intro: 00:00 Civil Unrest: 00:25 Nat-Gas Prices Will Soar: 13:10 Millions Unable To Buy Food This Winter: 15:04 Theft Of Your Labor: 17:42 Funny: 26:27 Conclusion: 27:22
This - IS- an official blockade- China is showing it can destroy ALL of Taiwan's infrastructure- if it wishes- ALL of It!!!-THIS IS WAR. MISSILES LAUNCHED. JAPAN REACTS. THE TAIWAN BLOCKADE ENACTED. USA WARNING OF WAR.
SHTF! 100,000 Troops are being Deployed to UKRAINE! (prep now for war) 919 One unconfirmed report alleges that North Korea will send 100K military troops to join the fight in Ukraine! How do you spell "cannon fodder'? - IMHO of course!
A state of emergency has been declared in west virginia and the national guard has been deployed to man prisons. The national guard will act as guard for the military prisons. A National guard troop has come out and spilled the beans on whats coming next during shtf & wrol. He has documented why you….
This Will be THE WORST CRISIS in History 26,652 views-Aug 12, 2022 3.9K - Global Water Shortages = Global Water Crisis for MANY countries! - Crop failures. Fish jumping out of rivers/lakes to their death!
Russia and China just solidified the most important partnership in modern world history. Their goal is to re-order the global power center away from global elites at the WEF. All of this as China prepares for the reunification of Taiwan.
Gravitas: Britain's energy bill to cost two months' salary 20,956 viewsAug 12, 2022 702
THIS IS BIG. US AIR FORCE ON THE MOVE. RUSSIAN NUKE LEAK. MUTUALLY ASSURED DESTRUCTION IS OVER 217 - Is a nuclear disaster greater than Chernobyl imminent? - Does anyone remember Fukishima? It STILL spews radioactivity into the ocean- This poisonWILL be active for 40,000 yrs! Did I get your attn?
Community Intel: 01:00 C.P.LIE: 10:31 Empty Shelves at W.M. 14:04 Rhine River Dry: 16:58 Catalytic Converter Theft: 18:12 U.K. to reverse law to allow bugs for food: 18:55 Germans search Google for Firewood: 20:18 France is Dry: 21:27 Saudi Arabia to trade with China: 22:18 Hurricane Season: 23:20
The Real employment data the government does not want you to see! Just last week the employment data came out AND it was amazing, right?.... Well, maybe not. The information that you're seeing is not the Real data. So in this video, I'm going to break down: 🔥 The Government Report that came out
China's entire economy is about to collapse. But the thing is, this banking crash and financial crisis going on in China right now is hardly being talked about at all. And the story is just plain weird, in so many ways. What’s happening right now in China is crazy. Banks have defrauded customers o
1day were told there’s zero percent inflation &the next we find out that food inflation has risen to 13 1/2%. We can’t have it both ways. Business is suffering like never before. #EpicCollapse #FoodInflation #foreclosures #IAllegedly #JanetYellen #ElonMusk #IRS #sears #linkedIn-THE Epic Collapse!
Breaking- Russia allegedly bombing this Ukrainian nuclear reactor- Radiation purportedly now being released to the atmosphere- Yikes!@-RADIATION EMERGENCY. RUSSIA IS WARNING THAT A NUCLEAR DISASTER IS HERE. CHINA WILL INFLICT LOSSES. 35,184 views-Aug 11, 2022 4.9K-Worse then Chernobyl?
Great news from the President- "We have zero inflation"- Happy Days are here again?-0:00 - Inflation news 2:52 - Inflation forecasts 6:54 - Jobs&unemployment 10:34 - Tradeoff between growth and inflation 15:41 - Inflation Reduction Act 18:54 - Stock market rally? 22:06 - 'Zombie companies' 24:53
Breaking: Global Supply Chain Under Attack | Food Shortages 2022 2.1K - Google Data Center Blown up! - Controlled Detonation? Dagon Country using their lockdowns to damage the global supply chain - Dramatic impacts now being felt throughout the planet!
WELCOME TO THE THIRD WORLD: THIS IS THE REAL REASON BEHIND THE RAID AND MORE NEWS Chapters: Intro: 00:00 China: 00:19 Banana Republic: 02:08 REAL REASON FOR INVASION: 05:08 More Tax $'s To Ukraine: 07:02 Australian CBDC: 07:37 Consumer Price Index: 09:09 U.S. Is Not In A Recession: 15:01 New IRS Age
Between California eliminating 70k truck drivers to Train/rail strikes to troop deployment.... better get ready guys!!!
Boots on the ground...Aug.9th...Food quality is collapsing and prices rising. 9,993 viewsAug 9, 2022 1.4K
Ukraine's military gone, rampant corruption leaked documents reveal | Redacted with Clayton Morris-Leaked documents show just how much the Ukrainian army is suffering. By some accounts, nearly half of the country's armed forces are out of commission. So...about those peace talks?
08/09/22- Canadian Prepper says... It's All Falling Apart - Taiwan - China - The Us : It's all about the money - Taiwan - Is China NOT ready for war? Is the US trying 2provoke into a war before China is ready? Was Pelosi trying to provoke China? Hint; It's all about the chips- the NEW OIL!
The Moscow Times- Independent News from Russia - Free weekly newsletters from Russia- An alternative source of the geopolitical and economic underbelly of The Beast - Putin NOT approved! - just an FYI if anyone is interested- Go for it!
Pandering to China- Apple's Compromises in China- Really??? You betcha! Wow! - Apple is asking its suppliers in Taiwan to label its products that are bound for Mainland China as Chinese, Taipei or Taiwan China. The labeling suggests that the island is part of the people's Republic of China.
THIS TOOK ME OUT. CHINA SINKING US AIRCRAFT CARRIERS. INDIA PREPARED TO FIGHT IN THE WAR 3.4K- China is anticipating they will be victorious in the coming confrontation with the US- What do YOU think? When will this war of words become a kinetic war? Taiwan blockade2continue INDEFINITELY!
Russia has announced a BAN on the SALE of ASSETS & INVESTMENTS by Foreign Companies until the end of 2022. Multinational Businesses such as BP, Shell and Rio Tinto have announced that they intend to EXIT RUSSIA and have been in discussions to sell their investments. President Putin has PASSED A NEW
The SPY(SPDR S&P500 ETF) is Trending Upward +1.48 for the week ending 08/05/2022
Paid Sub: NEVER miss an issue! Get EVERY ISSUE: To include: FOMO ETF/Stock Picks & DD Sources!
Subscribe to my free weekly MAG Commentary on LinkedIn
(Market Forecasts & Geopolitical Commentaries) to stay current on global geopolitics:
ALSO: Join my Reddit Community and share our journey to stop the genocide-in Ukraine:
I have contacts worldwide that subscribe to my MAG Commentary NL (Market Forecasts & Geopolitical Commentaries" and my Substack Market Algo NL: https://tinyurl.com/Substack
The purpose of the Reddit community is to provide “real-time” updates on geopolitical events occurring worldwide AND connect peace activists and community organizers worldwide to share their journey: Together we CAN climb that mountain!
The LinkedIn NL is published weekly and is FREE! - Patrick OConnell My LI ID: azpat0
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NOT Investment Advice! – ONLY intended for educational purposes.
Do your own DD and invest at your own risk tolerance.
I may buy and sell, some, most, or all of the positions in my FOMO (fear of losing out) from time to time!
I look at the list as a sort of “long term” holding thing – but THAT can change depending on geopolitical events, global market conditions, health (or lack thereof) of the individual equity/ETF – or my own personal circumstances.
NOT investment advice- EVER!
For Paid Subscribers: The FOMO List and DD Sources section is at the very bottom of the “Paid Subscriber” newsletter issues!
Available To ALL:
Market Algo Newsletter(NL) subscribers!
Access the (for Entrepreneurs & startup Founders/CEOs)
Ninja Guide: 24/7 here: https://tinyurl.com/MyNinjaGuide
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Visit Patrick OConnell's profile
*** --------***
Headhunting for an experienced freelance SEO content writer to raise your brand awarenesss? Here’s my profile:
Let’s jump on a call soon! - Patrick
Bonus – and as a thank-you for your inquiry – Check out my freebie:
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The Market Algo Newsletter
I am not an investment advisor. Any financial information is for educational purposes only – NOT investment advice!
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A Guide for the Ninja Entrepreneur to Fund & Sustain the Stellar Startup
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Access the (for Entrepreneurs & startup Founders/CEOs)
Ninja Guide: 24/7 here: https://tinyurl.com/MyNinjaGuide
*** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Highly recommended publication – Please subscribe – its free! --- Patrick
Get the latest weekly global inflation updates in Inflated World!
Get this awesome Substack weekly publication or get left behind!
Ignorance is NOT bliss – it is much better to be up to date on unfolding global events than to be among those that “know nothing” and potentially “lose everything”!
Inflation is happening worldwide, especially harming developing nations. You might be worried about your investments, the economy, or even how people cope with inflation.
Inflated World is a simple way to stay up-to-date on what is happening worldwide - they send you personal anecdotes of people experiencing inflation from over 10 countries (Sri Lanka, Ecuador, Kenya, Ghana, etc.) and weekly macroeconomic analyses. It's free to sign up - so why not give it a go?
Sam Warain
************* BEGIN *******************
Our proprietary market also forecasts the following trends (Risk-on or Risk-off) for the week ending 08/12/22:
Full Disclosure:
An analysis published is not investment advice!
I am not an investment advisor. Any financial information is for educational purposes only – NOT investment advice!
The SPY(SPDR S&P500 ETF) is Trending Upward +13.67 for the week ending 08/12/2022
Risk-on (Bullish):
QQQ, SPY, VIX-SPY correlation-variance
WTI- Crude Oil, Copper
IMHO – I say- yet again - we may be witnessing the continuation of a “Bull Trap” – just my opinion- of course.
Volatility is still with us – be forewarned! MHO The Bear Market is still very much with us!
The global hyperinflation, the global supply chain dislocations, and of course – the “wars” (take your pick: Ulraine/Russia or China) -- all of these negative factors are certainly not helpful for the bulls’ case.
Note: FYI - Concerning my “VIX-SPY correlation-variance ” metric - IF the VIX is trending DOWN AND the SPY is trending UP for the most recent week of trading – then and only then will my VIX-SPY correlation-variance algo indicate a potential Risk-on (Bullish) for the upcoming week. This only happens - currently – on an infrequent basis! – FYI
Risk-off (Bearish):
A cautionary note to keep in mind (IMHO we are not yet seeing a confirmed bottom in the market – could be a LONG way off- with the operative word being LONG!) - as Doug Casey said in a recent interview - we are in a chaotic period in global markets.
For next week – ONLY (my algo ONLY forecasts potential market movement one week at a time- one week does NOT portend a long-term trend!).
My algo indicates that the Bulls – at least for the week ahead- remain in control.
Some say we are entering a global depression – not so much a recession. What do YOU think?
Doug Casey opines that we are indeed headed to the big “D”! He forecasts a bond market collapse and a stock market crash. He recommends intermediate-size oil companies. NOT the big ones!
Casey likes uranium stocks as well. He says he is long uranium stocks.
Interestingly, he likes the Uzbekistan stock market. I would NOT recommend investing there – unless you do your extensive due diligence. He mentioned it would be sort of a “lotto play” – Very risky!
IMHO I do not think we have seen the bottom – I always like to see at least a 3 week period in which the market is in a bull trend. Even then, the market can still sustain a bull trap or a so-called head fake for a prolonged period. Be careful in trading for the next one to two weeks!
I am tracking the weekly price movement of QQQ during 2022:
So, Moving forward, QQQ was a hypothetical “Buy” on 01/03/2020 at $401.68. IMHO this correction of QQQ remains in an indefinite period of profound weakness! No sign of a definitive bottom from this point moving forward!
Each week, I indicate the profit or loss, based on this (pretend) entry point. Let’s see where it ends up at the end of 2022!
As of 08/12/2022, this hypothetical trade shows a loss of - $71.29 (QQQ was $330.39 at the close on 08/05/2022).
Reminder: Daniel Riley –Mr. TopStep:
provides daily updates on the markets: His website & free email newsletter are a MUST!!! —Patrick
I am illustrating the P/L (Profit/Loss) results of Ed Barsano’s also in a paper-trading acct
Check out my P&L at this link – using Ed Barsano’s free Algo- no software to download: Just set up an account at TDAmeritrade- I Love the algo!
Here is the link:
Email Ed Barsano if you have any questions:
Full Disclosure for everyone:
Original Account Value: $7000 USD
Current Account Value: $9779.98 USD
As of market close on 08/12/2022 - All data is USD!
Initial equity in the paper account: USD $7000.00
Stock Price Shares Total Profit/Loss (pending & completed trades‘ results)
RUN 36.13 21 +109.36
NVDA 187.14 10 -70.30
PAAS 18.17 132 -135.44
Commentary for 08/12/2022:
I am indebted to Robin Horsfall’s compelling and timely articles- originally published on LinkedIn!
Published on LinkedIn: 08/12/22:
In most cases they are dead men walking.
Reports are coming to light that Russian citizens who have been persuaded to join up to fight in Ukraine are disappointed with their treatment.
Offered high wages many front line soldiers are complaining that they haven't been paid. It is very short sighted to employ and man give him a weapon and then not pay him. He will either down tools or turn that weapon on his commanders.
Video of young Russian men playing with pistols and lining up at mobile recruiting stations are very sad to see. They have no idea that Russia is losing (according to reasonable reports) an average of 12,000 men killed every month. They line up like lambs to the slaughter, not for patriotism but for promised money and lies. In most cases they are dead men walking.
Putin refuses to allow the bodies of his soldiers to be returned. Many mothers believe their sons are still alive! How sad is that?
This is so tragic, essentially Russian people are the same as everyone else, they study, dance, sing and love their children. If they knew the truth about Ukraine they would rise up against Putin.
The truth:
Russian is taking irreplaceable losses in men and materiel.
Russia is technically inferior to western weapons.
Russia is fighting without the support of the local population.
Russia has no strategic plan for ending the war.
Russia is becoming economically weaker by the day.
Russia has defaulted on its loans.
Russian unemployment is rising exponentially.
Young educated Russians are leaving in droves.
Russia, the largest country in the world is already a pariah state and lost its place.
Young Russians are not dying for Russia they are dying for Vladimir Putin.
Slava Ukraini!
Who Dares Shares
Robin Horsfall
Image Credit: Robin Horsfall – LinkedIn – 081211
Slava Ukraini!
Who Dares Shares
Robin Horsfall
Map of Ukraine- credit: Robin Horsfall- 08/08/2022:
Please view this awesome You Tube video – an interview with Robin Horsfall by Rouen Heiberg & Bryan Mennie(081022)”
Rouen Heiberg• 3rd+Sales Manager: Business Development3mo • 3 months ago
This weekend myself and Bryan Mennie, MSyL, CCCI, CFCI, CIPP/E. had the privilege of talking to. None other than Robin Horsfall about his time in one of the most respected special forces units in the world, The SAS.
He shared about his time in Northern Ireland, and the infamous Iranian Embassy Seige. I got goosebumps when he told that story!
What a pleasure to have him on the show.
Unfortunately Mr.Murphy brought the show to an abrupt end with a technical issue. We will have him back in the show.
Thanks for your time Robin. Talk soon.
PODCAST #21 - Interview with Robin Horsfall about his time in the SAS
PODCAST #21 - Interview with Robin Horsfall about his
Click on this link:
******** ******** *******
I found this excerpt from The Financial Times (Swamp Notes) to be most prescient of what is- what will be and what it means for everyone on the planet--- IMHO it is indeed the “shadow of things to come”:
FYI: I comment on the “real-time” geopolitical blog posts I create for my Reddit “EndUkrainian Genocide” community:
The purpose of the Reddit community is to provide “real-time” updates on geopolitical events occurring worldwide AND connect peace activists and community organizers worldwide to share their journey: Together we CAN climb that mountain!
***************************** -------- *****************************
On to the “Main Event”:
I post the URL for each news item I share in my REDDIT blog post - if you want to do a deep dive into the source material.
Not the most “elegant” and detailed way of commenting, but as your time is valuable, I try to be as succinct as possible in my comments! - Patrick
Here are the major “real-time” news items I comment on for this past week:
Repeated- This is timeless AND priceless information:
4/18/22: Doug Casey: the world is headed for chaos and radical change
URL --- MUST View (recurring- as this is most prescient):
Links to impactful geopolitical events- that you should know about:
I published this on 6/3/22:
Benefits Of Hydrogen Peroxide On Plants And In Your Garden-Hydrogen Peroxide And Plants?
Yes, H2O2 has many benefits in your garden ranging from a disinfectant for garden tools and pots and work areas, to an anti-fungal and pest control powerhouse spray. Its uses……: MORE here:
It's gonna get ugly- Real Soon- Russia/Iran/China are now prepositioning their military troops on our southern border! R ready for the ?"occupiers"?Russia is releasing their prisoners to volunteer to join military, after 6 mo they are pardoned. We need to do that. We have about a million ...MORE!
"THINGS WILL NOT GET BETTER" - WIDESPREAD CIVIL UNREST IS INEVITABLE - PREPARE NOW! Chapters: Intro: 00:00 Civil Unrest: 00:25 Nat-Gas Prices Will Soar: 13:10 Millions Unable To Buy Food This Winter: 15:04 Theft Of Your Labor: 17:42 Funny: 26:27 Conclusion: 27:22
This - IS- an official blockade- China is showing it can destroy ALL of Taiwan's infrastructure- if it wishes- ALL of It!!!-THIS IS WAR. MISSILES LAUNCHED. JAPAN REACTS. THE TAIWAN BLOCKADE ENACTED. USA WARNING OF WAR.
SHTF! 100,000 Troops are being Deployed to UKRAINE! (prep now for war) 919 One unconfirmed report alleges that North Korea will send 100K military troops to join the fight in Ukraine! How do you spell "cannon fodder'? - IMHO of course!
A state of emergency has been declared in west virginia and the national guard has been deployed to man prisons. The national guard will act as guard for the military prisons. A National guard troop has come out and spilled the beans on whats coming next during shtf & wrol. He has documented why you….
This Will be THE WORST CRISIS in History 26,652 views-Aug 12, 2022 3.9K - Global Water Shortages = Global Water Crisis for MANY countries! - Crop failures. Fish jumping out of rivers/lakes to their death!
Russia and China just solidified the most important partnership in modern world history. Their goal is to re-order the global power center away from global elites at the WEF. All of this as China prepares for the reunification of Taiwan.
Gravitas: Britain's energy bill to cost two months' salary 20,956 viewsAug 12, 2022 702
THIS IS BIG. US AIR FORCE ON THE MOVE. RUSSIAN NUKE LEAK. MUTUALLY ASSURED DESTRUCTION IS OVER 217 - Is a nuclear disaster greater than Chernobyl imminent? - Does anyone remember Fukishima? It STILL spews radioactivity into the ocean- This poisonWILL be active for 40,000 yrs! Did I get your attn?
Community Intel: 01:00 C.P.LIE: 10:31 Empty Shelves at W.M. 14:04 Rhine River Dry: 16:58 Catalytic Converter Theft: 18:12 U.K. to reverse law to allow bugs for food: 18:55 Germans search Google for Firewood: 20:18 France is Dry: 21:27 Saudi Arabia to trade with China: 22:18 Hurricane Season: 23:20
The Real employment data the government does not want you to see! Just last week the employment data came out AND it was amazing, right?.... Well, maybe not. The information that you're seeing is not the Real data. So in this video, I'm going to break down: 🔥 The Government Report that came out
China's entire economy is about to collapse. But the thing is, this banking crash and financial crisis going on in China right now is hardly being talked about at all. And the story is just plain weird, in so many ways. What’s happening right now in China is crazy. Banks have defrauded customers o
1day were told there’s zero percent inflation &the next we find out that food inflation has risen to 13 1/2%. We can’t have it both ways. Business is suffering like never before. #EpicCollapse #FoodInflation #foreclosures #IAllegedly #JanetYellen #ElonMusk #IRS #sears #linkedIn-THE Epic Collapse!
Breaking- Russia allegedly bombing this Ukrainian nuclear reactor- Radiation purportedly now being released to the atmosphere- Yikes!@-RADIATION EMERGENCY. RUSSIA IS WARNING THAT A NUCLEAR DISASTER IS HERE. CHINA WILL INFLICT LOSSES. 35,184 views-Aug 11, 2022 4.9K-Worse then Chernobyl?
Great news from the President- "We have zero inflation"- Happy Days are here again?-0:00 - Inflation news 2:52 - Inflation forecasts 6:54 - Jobs&unemployment 10:34 - Tradeoff between growth and inflation 15:41 - Inflation Reduction Act 18:54 - Stock market rally? 22:06 - 'Zombie companies' 24:53
Breaking: Global Supply Chain Under Attack | Food Shortages 2022 2.1K - Google Data Center Blown up! - Controlled Detonation? Dagon Country using their lockdowns to damage the global supply chain - Dramatic impacts now being felt throughout the planet!
WELCOME TO THE THIRD WORLD: THIS IS THE REAL REASON BEHIND THE RAID AND MORE NEWS Chapters: Intro: 00:00 China: 00:19 Banana Republic: 02:08 REAL REASON FOR INVASION: 05:08 More Tax $'s To Ukraine: 07:02 Australian CBDC: 07:37 Consumer Price Index: 09:09 U.S. Is Not In A Recession: 15:01 New IRS Age
Between California eliminating 70k truck drivers to Train/rail strikes to troop deployment.... better get ready guys!!!
Boots on the ground...Aug.9th...Food quality is collapsing and prices rising. 9,993 viewsAug 9, 2022 1.4K
Ukraine's military gone, rampant corruption leaked documents reveal | Redacted with Clayton Morris-Leaked documents show just how much the Ukrainian army is suffering. By some accounts, nearly half of the country's armed forces are out of commission. So...about those peace talks?
08/09/22- Canadian Prepper says... It's All Falling Apart - Taiwan - China - The Us : It's all about the money - Taiwan - Is China NOT ready for war? Is the US trying 2provoke into a war before China is ready? Was Pelosi trying to provoke China? Hint; It's all about the chips- the NEW OIL!
The Moscow Times- Independent News from Russia - Free weekly newsletters from Russia- An alternative source of the geopolitical and economic underbelly of The Beast - Putin NOT approved! - just an FYI if anyone is interested- Go for it!
Pandering to China- Apple's Compromises in China- Really??? You betcha! Wow! - Apple is asking its suppliers in Taiwan to label its products that are bound for Mainland China as Chinese, Taipei or Taiwan China. The labeling suggests that the island is part of the people's Republic of China.
THIS TOOK ME OUT. CHINA SINKING US AIRCRAFT CARRIERS. INDIA PREPARED TO FIGHT IN THE WAR 3.4K- China is anticipating they will be victorious in the coming confrontation with the US- What do YOU think? When will this war of words become a kinetic war? Taiwan blockade2continue INDEFINITELY!
Russia has announced a BAN on the SALE of ASSETS & INVESTMENTS by Foreign Companies until the end of 2022. Multinational Businesses such as BP, Shell and Rio Tinto have announced that they intend to EXIT RUSSIA and have been in discussions to sell their investments. President Putin has PASSED A NEW
******** END *************
More breaking news on my Reddit EndUkrainianGenocideNow Community!
Join now to keep up with events – as they happen! - - - Patrick
Go here:
Stay tuned for the next issue!
Another source of news and commentary that I follow and recommend is the one authored/published by Elaine Supkis- The Culture of Life News—Highly recommended:
Thank you for following my MAG Commentary!
In closing – last but not least:
Glory to Ukraine:
🇺🇦 Epic Orchestral Anthem of Ukraine - "Ще не вмерла України і слава, і воля" [English Translation]
Mar 2, 2022
4/22/19- 2,869,274 views on YouTube-Official HD Promo Video for Pet Shop Boys' fantastic single 'Go West'. Taken from the Pop Art Best - Parody of Russia-China ideology: Glory to Ukraine!
Time Out! Time to break from all this killing and war - Take a break and enjoy some beats; 1 hour of Pet Shop Boys Greatest Hits - Full Album 2022 - Best Songs Of Pet Shop Boys --- If music isn't your thing-- Grab some Tequila or some other "diversion" from the grind of everyday reality!
Not subscribed to my free Market Algo Newsletter?
Go here for the URL to sign up today - It IS free:
I publish a FREE weekly newsletter on Substack: The Market Algo Newsletter – It forecasts the direction of the S&P 500 market - index for the upcoming week -
Bonus – Check out my favorite strategy to raise YOUR Brand Awareness – free:
********************** Break ***********************
** And now for Everything Else- or as Paul Harvey says: And now for the rest of the story”… aka - Ads. Promotions and MORE! **** **** ****
An Impactful & Interesting Influencer I recently featured in my LinkedIn Group - Dr. Mehmet Yildiz - Founder and editor-in-chief for six integrated publications on Medium – serving 137K+ readers –
What are you waiting for?
Free – I can feature you too!
Contact me today – let’s get you featured and raise your brand awareness:
Patrick OConnell – Albuquerque NM – USA
*** *** ***
My shameless self-promotion:
I made the initial introduction (and created a pitch deck) between a stealth nanomanufacturing startup founder/CEO and a group of investors – the $10M - $20M raise should close soon!
I am available to make similar introductions for YOUR startup/mature company as well!
--- Patrick
Check out: “The Sample” – it is FREE:
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We curate articles from hundreds of blogs and newsletters and send you the ones worth subscribing to.
Go to “The Sample” using my referral link:
*** ***
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The 2 video links above explain “all you need to know” about how you can potentially make profits- consistently – with this one-of-a-kind crypto trading also! – Patrick OConnell
Ed kindly shared this info on June 10th – FYI- NOT investment advice of course:
The goal of this video is to identify coins that can yield the highest percentage return during a crypto market recovery.
Thank you!
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Investment Risks
Investments in Cryptocurrencies and Stocks can lead to a loss of money over short or even long periods. Investors in Cryptocurrencies and Stocks should expect prices to have large range fluctuations. The information published on the GoBabyTrade website cannot guarantee that investors in Cryptocurrencies and Stocks will not lose money.
Saint Michael Technologies, LLC.
GoBabyTrade Copyright © 2022 All rights reserved
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IF you ever wanted to interview/research “The Rich and Famous” OR –
You have always wondered how you can interview/research an impactful and interesting person – I am now inviting you to steal – as in FREE - my strategy to do these things!
Grab a copy of my “Checklist To Interview/Research Impactful and Interesting People here:
Available at Gumroad.com:
Thank you in advance for your interest and support. – Patrick
Important: Ellen Voie-CEO of Women In Trucking-has kindly offered caseloads of dolls – to be donated to NGOs and/or Ukrainian Resettlement organizations (501c3). Scientific research has indicated that “doll therapy” for children/the elderly is beneficial in many ways by “bonding” with a stuffed animal or a doll.
Check out the science for this:
May I hear from you soon? – Patrick OConnell
I am open to anyone that has a serious interest in this generous offer (10 dolls to a case) – to DM me. We can hop on a call (Tuesday-Friday: 10 am Mountain Time – 4:00 pm Mountain Time) to discuss/provide contact information.
“First come – first serve” as they say, or “You snooze – you lose”.
Supply may be limited.
May I hear from you soon? - Patrick (LinkedIn ID - azpat0)
You can contact me through my profile as well:
Patrick OConnell
I have joined an awesome YouTube group - “UkraineNow” – I shall share links to some of our 3 times per week meetups in The MAG Commentary - check this group out by inputting “UkraineNow Community Meeting” in YouTube’s search link.
I have contacts worldwide that subscribe to my MAG Commentary NL (Market Forecasts & Geopolitical Commentaries" and my Substack Market Algo NL:
--- Patrick
NOTE: I am currently working as a copywriter for:
I shall include a few links in each MAG Commentary newsletter with the focus on: “Homesteading & Sustainable Agriculture” Videos. IMHO this may be appropriate, given the current volatility in the economic, geopolitical, and ongoing volatility of global ecosystems, and cultural transformations/upheavals.
You are welcome to join (free) The CommUNITY Grid Network:
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Simultaneously, the Network supports your destinations with customized workforce, wellness and agritourism strategies to make a sustainable living doing what you love.
--- Patrick
Link to The MAG Commentary (free weekly subscription):
**** Your Bonus – from me! ********
Bonus –
Check out my favorite strategy to raise YOUR Brand Awareness – free:
********** More stuff! *********
I also subscribe to The Cestrian Stock Bulletin – free:
They have a paid plan on Substack- only $9 per month:
They have samples of their newsletter posts on Substack, along with links to other newsletters they offer:
I plan to subscribe to their newsletter, with funds from my paid subscribers here at The Market Algo NL.
Disclosure: Cestrian Capital Research, Inc staff personal accounts hold long positions in, inter alia, TQQQ, NFLX, T, LHX, NET, DOCU.
You’re a free subscriber to Cestrian Tech Select. For the full experience, become a paid subscriber.
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More Samples of my work are below:
For a Full Experience--- turn your speakers on to listen to the awesome musical soundtrack I include with ALL PowerPoint video presentations:
Website video presentations:
Samples of my work are here:
I charge the same amount- whether you want a pitch deck or a video presentation!
Don’t forget - My portfolio of social media and content marketing awesomeness is on my website:
Free or $5/month: Check out Medium – a social media platform venue for freelance writers like me. If you want to support me as a writer, consider signing up to become a Medium member. It’s $5/month, giving you unlimited access to stories on Medium. If you sign up using my link, I’ll earn a small commission.
Join Medium with my referral link: https://medium.com/@PatrickOConnellNM/membership
Thank you! ---- Patrick OConnell
NOTE: Subscribe to my MAG Newsletter (weekly & Free) on LinkedIn – My shameless pitch (hint: MAG is “Market Forecasts & Geopolitical Commentaries”) – nothing else comes even close - on the internet:
Thank you for your support!
I publish The MAG Commentary (Market Forecasts & Geopolitical Commentaries) on LinkedIn (weekly and free):
Did I say the MAG Commentary is Free?
The following information is for Paid Subscribers to The Market Algo Newsletter only:
FOMO List and DD Sources (at the bottom of this newsletter for paid subscribers only)
Please read the FULL DISCLOSURE notice at the very top of every issue of The Market Algo Newsletter (NL)!
For paid subscribers:
My list (not inclusive) of my Due Diligence (DD) sources follows Only available to Paid Subscribers!
FULL DISCLOSURE: I subscribe to:
FULL DISCLOSURE: I subscribe to Howard Lindzon’s free newsletter:
My FOMO List – I am NOT an investment advisor – NOT investment advice! Do your own DD!
Symbol Quantity I own Avg Price Remarks (may not be any remarks)
AOSL 10 59.93 Alpha & Omega Semiconductor Ltd = Semi stock
ASML 8 733.95 ASML Holding N.V. - semiconductor equipment systems - VERY LONG TERM HOLDING!
BABA 2 126.00 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd
BLDR 5 64.80 Builders FIrstSource, Inc
CORN 5 22.70 Teucrium Corn Fund
DBA 5 20.16 Invesco DB Agricultural Fund
DVN 5 51.00 Devon Energy Corporation (pays a Dividend)
ESTE 100 13.20 Earthstone Energy, Inc - VERY Volatile!!!
KRBN 5 51.70 KraneShares Global Carbon ETF - carbon Credits ETF
NVDA 12 312.83 Nvidia Corporation - volatile!
ON 13 70.08 ON Semiconductor Corporation = semi stock
PDCE 5 59.80 PDC Energy, Inc - energy
RJA 5 8.93 ELEMENTS-linked2Rogers Intl Commodity Index - Agricultural Total Return
*** *** ***
Subscribe to my free weekly MAG Commentary on LinkedIn (Market Forecasts & Geopolitical Commentaries" to stay current on global geopolitics:
Also: Join my Reddit Community and share your journey to stop the genocide-in Ukraine:
Patrick OConnell – Editor: The MAG Commentary
If you want all of the above geopolitical news PLUS more financial-related information- steal my free subscription to The Market Algo Newsletter – published on Substack:
It forecasts the direction of the S&P 500 market - index for the upcoming week -