Emergency Notification Message To All Subscribers!
I need your support to make our forthcoming (continuous)GLOBAL Social Media blitz- an impactful event!
This is an emergency Notification:
I need the support of ALL of my awesome followers to make the upcoming Social Media blitz a success!
I have the support of a few global influencers
(on LinkedIn) - but need more of you to step up to the plate.
IF you do nothing- you have spoken and so have cast your lot in with those that sit idly by while The Evil (Putin and his buddy in China) - like cancer - spreads over the planet.
My short and to-the-point message to all of you is this:
We are One — We Are One With The Ukrainian People!
For more info: DM me today-Patrick OConnell
Will YOU help me make this meme go viral ( on your Social Media accounts) this weekend?
BTW—- IF you are on board to support me- This is the confirmation message I send out to those on LinkedIn that are on board with my “We Are On” initiative:
Thank you for your support:
I shall launch a free weekly newsletter on LinkedIn on 02/28/2022 - watch for my "sign up link" to appear---
I shall use THAT venue to provide updates (on Ukraine and more) for all my awesome followers!
The Newsletter will be called "The MAG Commentary" - Market Forecasts & Geopolitical Commentaries - Patrick OConnell
Patrick OConnell
The “long form” article that I am publishing on my Medium platform follows:
Posted on MEDIUM 2/26/2022:
The Ukrainian people do NOT have a month to “give sanctions a chance”!
We Are One — We Are One With The Ukrainian People!
Will YOU be counted among those that help solve this humanitarian crisis- or will you be part of those that stand idle by?
I NEVER write any political articles on Medium- NEVER!
However as I sit here in my comfortable home in Albuquerque, my conscience will not let me rest a minute longer without my “ doing something”!
Will YOU be part of what Spirit has informed me could be a global groundswell of an outpouring of fellow humans — everywhere on this planet — to let the leaders of the free world know that “giving sanctions a month to work” is not an option!
In a few days, hundreds, possibly thousands of innocents in Ukraine will be murdered by The Evil!
Innocent mothers, wives, children, and the elderly!
Will you be silent and do nothing?
I would think that many within our Medium community would rise up and cry out for justice and to call upon world leaders to rise to the occasion and immediately do “whatever it takes? to stop The Evil!
I have tweeted a message to Jason McCoy this evening — the creator of the global movement “We Are One”, asking him to be the lead in moving forward to make his awesome song again go viral — this time with the purpose of saving many countless lives of the innocent civilians in Ukraine!
I am reproducing a copy of my message below for you, dear reader, to see how very passionate I am in moving forward with this small gesture to start a global groundswell of solidarity to demand that the Evil must be stopped – immediately!
Singly we can do little, United as one collective outpouring of a “voice united” we can not only move mountains but we CAN and WILL save lives!
Here is my tweeted message to Jason McCoy, creator of the “We Are One” song and global movement in 2020 to let the world know that we are one in meeting the COVID challenge:
Hello Jason:
Just now discovered the “We Are One” song: I want to collaborate with you on immediately updating and making the “We Are One” song again go viral-
We - The People MUST let our collective voices be heard by the leaders of the free world!
The “We Are One” meme can and will go viral:
THIS song will be THE beginning of the global people’s movement to let everyone know that “We Are One with the Ukrainian people”!
The US President says give it a month for sanctions to work.
The Ukrainian people are dying by the hour- they do not have a month to “give sanctions to work”!
Within days Putin will own Ukraine- thousands of Ukrainians will be murdered by this Evil!
Won’t YOU collaborate with me and the others that want to be “One With The Ukrainian people”?
The meme I am spreading throughout my social media sites:
We are One — We Are One With The Ukrainian People!
For more info: DM me today-Patrick OConnell Will YOU help me make this meme go viral this weekend?
I need to connect with you and others that can leverage this to global consciousness this weekend (2/26/2022 - 2/27/2022).
The Ukrainians are dying even as I type this missive to you!
They do NOT have a month “to see if the sanctions will work”!
In a month- Putin will own Ukraine!
Won’t you be a part of the solution and not the problem?
Patrick OConnell
My shameless CTA (Call To Action):
Share this tweet/post – on Social Media - EVERYWHERE – today:
We are One — We Are One With The Ukrainian People!
copy and paste the url for “We Are One” here—
For more info: DM me today-Patrick OConnell
Will YOU help me make this meme go viral this weekend?
As usual- I shall publish The Market Algo Newsletter on 2/28/2022
PLUS: I shall commence publication on LinkedIn of “The MAG Commentary” - a free weekly newsletter:
Market Forecasts & Geopolitical Commentaries
You simply MUST be on board- in other words: be “there” or be nowhere!
Life is too short to “sit idly by”
Unimaginable upheavals and transformation of the world order as we know it are coming - and coming sooner than you can imagine!
Be part of The Change - or get left behind!
Stay tuned.
Patrick OConnell