Alhamdulilah- The SPY(SPDR-S&P500 ETF)…-Remains Bullish - The SPY Increased by 10.39 for the week ending 01/24/2025!
Greg Mannarino - Breaking - MUST - ABSOLUTELY WATCH THIS Vid- the 5th, 14th and 22nd Constitutional Amendments are now under attack!!! - VERY BAD for YOU!!!! -Wait for it!-A WARNING... By Gregory Mann
The Market Algo Newsletter: 01/24/2025
Alhamdulilah- The SPY(SPDR-S&P500 ETF)…-Remains Bullish - The SPY Increased by 10.39 for the week ending 01/24/2025!
VERY IMPORTANT for you to Note:
Paid Subscribers: NEVER miss a (COMPLETE) issue!
Paid subscribers get -
A complete issue, to include “The Portfolio” AND -
My ETF/Stock Purchases/Sales & DD Sources!
So,don’t miss a single COMPLETE issue -
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What you get when you subscribe to The Market Algo Newsletter:
My algo forecasts wkly direction of S&P500 -PLUS Ck out my ETF portfolio w/ ROI's of 40% - 70% and MORE! – High Yield (aka Annual ROI) – BUT ALSO: VERY HI RISK!-
PLUS Just For You - A free Ninja Guide for startups:
https://tinyurl.com/MyNinjaGuide -
PLUS:Funding Sources for startups:
My shameless pitch for engagement - and my invitation for you to encourage others to subscribe to The market Algo NL - ( (free or paid) AND join our “Group Chat” for our NL:
I have started my - FREE - Substack Group Chat for my Market Algo NL subscribers -
Please accept my invitation to promote your NL - and/or share your thoughts on the current global economic/financial scene.
This can include your thoughts on the present and/or future course of global geopolitical machinations on planet Earth!
Have a wonderful day- Patrick in Albuquerque NM
A shameless pitch - for you to refer someone to The Market Algo NL - Free or Paid subs welcome -
Thank you in advance for your support in helping our Market Algo NL grow - Patrick OConnell, Editor of The Market Algo NL
Greg Mannarino - Breaking - MUST - ABSOLUTELY WATCH THIS Vid- the 5th, 14th and 22nd Constitutional Amendments are now under attack!!! - VERY BAD for YOU!!!! -Wait for it!-A WARNING... By Gregory Mannarino
Something to make you think about “what is going on” - I just published( includes 2 -pics of a “drone” I took with my cell phone on 12/13/2024) “The Drone Conspiracy: Peaceful Visitors or Humanity’s Biggest Threat?” -
From mysterious messages to nuclear fears, the truth behind the drone phenomenon may be darker than you think. - Summary -
Drones spark debates on alien motives, nuclear war, and global conspiracy. Are they benevolent observers—or harbingers of humanity’s end? -
Something I think you may want to check out:
An awesome LinkedIn friend- has written a most compelling and yet- entertaining novella that I wholeheartedly recommend- “The Jackson’s Debate”!
132 pages - paperback:
You can purchase it on Amazon- the link to Amazon is on the Goodreads website:
The author’s abstract of the book:
“The Jacksons' Debate" explores ethical dilemmas through an alien civilization considering human consumption. This philosophical sci-fi examines sentience, moral responsibility, and societal progress from a unique perspective. Blending dark humor with social commentary, it challenges readers to reflect on human behavior and ethical decision-making in the face of necessity and scientific advancement.”
The Amazon review pretty much summarizes some of the reasons why you will enjoy this read:
The Jackson's Debate" is a satirical science fiction novella exploring interspecies ethics through the lens of an alien civilization, the Jacksons, who debate the moral implications of consuming humans. When a nutritional crisis forces the Jacksons to seek alternative food sources, humans, perceived as irrational and self-destructive, become a potential solution. Through philosophical discussions and scientific experiments, the Jacksons grapple with questions of sentience, empathy, and the justification of exploitation. The narrative challenges anthropocentrism while raising unsettling questions about the nature of ethics and the potential for any species to rationalize violence.
An excerpt from Marqv’s own review on Goodreads concludes:
“Ultimately, the story asks: Are the ways we justify our actions as predators so different from the rationalizations these aliens are making?”
My own review will expand on why I feel this book is a “must read” for anyone that has even the slightest interest in the topic he discusses - AND- (IMHO at least) - for those that are seeking some context within which to digest the “meaning” of the current global sightings of “drones” and other strange aerial phenomena:
“Absolutely spot on! As I have studied the history of what is alleged to be an extraterrestrial reptilian species that considers Earth to be their property (Charles Forte first acknowledged that "We are property") - I resonated immediately with the hypothesis in Marqv's novellas - that perhaps - just perhaps- humans are the "food crop" that the reptilians are so obsessed with preserving and protecting for their own purposes.(IMHO- the last thing they want is for humankind to destroy itself in a global nuclear holocaust. This would be bad for their desire to continue harvesting the "food crop").
I am reminded of the movie The Day the Earth Stood Still, where the last scene shows a human holding up a book entitled "How To Serve Mankind" as many humans embarked on a UFO to begin what they thought was a "better life." Ironic, isn't it, that the better life would seemingly involve the "food crop" being served (as food for the reptilians) - and not the other way around—where they thought the ETs would serve THEM?
I wholeheartedly recommend this book as your gateway to a new and unconventional way to view what is going on - across the planet at this time: The sightings of orbs, spheres, "drones", UFOs. UAPs- and most recently what some are calling the "Death Fog" which has made many people extremely sick- a respiratory sort of "illness".
For FULL DISCLOSURE: I am considering a sequel to my fantasy fiction short story "SV for Soto Voce" - a tale that follows 2 humans abducted by the reptilian species to an off-world world called Ceres.
So, you see, Marqv's book pretty well echoes my own speculations as to who and what is behind the worldwide sights of the alleged interstellar starships! I am sure the book will inform you as to some sort of "grounding" as you live through - not an epic- but a biblical time in humankind's paradigm-shifting adventures with an off-world sentient being (or multiple ET beings from different dimensions/galaxies/universes!) - over the next few months and years!” - Patrick OConnell
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The Market Algo Newsletter
NOT Investment Advice! –
ONLY intended for educational purposes.
Do your own DD and invest at your own risk tolerance.
I may buy and sell, some, most, or all of the positions in what I call “The Portfolio” - my JOMO (Joy of Missing out) list of high yield - high risk ETFs.
“JOMO” is my phrase that is the opposite of “FOMO - Fear of Missing Out”.
My JOMO ETF’s embrace high dividend paying ETF’s - whereas the FOMO investors/speculators seek quick profits by day trading or swing trading! - Just sayin’!
I look at “The Portfolio” as a sort of “long term” holding thing – but THAT can change depending on geopolitical events, global market conditions, health (or lack thereof) of the individual equity/ETF – or my own personal circumstances.
For Paid Subscribers:
“The Portfolio” - or JOMO List and DD Sources section is located in the “For Paid Subscribers Only” section of each Market Algo NL!
I am not an investment advisor. Any financial information is for educational purposes only – NOT investment advice!
///////////// *** ///////////////
Highly recommended publication:
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Get the latest weekly updates in Inflated World – or get left behind – Ignorance is NOT bliss:
Inflation is happening worldwide, especially harming developing nations. You might be worried about your investments, the economy, or even how people cope with inflation.
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Sam Warain
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Check out where the power outages are currently occurring in the US:
** BEGIN **
My proprietary market algo forecasts the following trends, Risk on, or Risk off, for the upcoming trading week ending on 01/24/2025:
The SPY(SPDR - S&P500 ETF), - Increased by 17.09!
I have determined that the Bears remain in retreat- and the Bulls rule -yet again - at least for next week!
Will the Fed CONTINUE TO PUMP tons of money into the equity markets? Duh!
Stay tuned to see if the Fed injects even MORE amounts of $$$ into the debt (and equity) markets!
Remember this - The US has officially admitted that the US is in a “Peoples’ Depression”! Duh!
Go figure!
You and I have known this for months!!!
Be Aware – Be Awesome!
That being said - you MUST be aware and- as the saying goes “Be as wise as a Serpent” - Because -
When the markets DO - FINALLY - implode - IMHO - it will be biblical - NOT epic!
Full Disclosure - I am still Bullish for the Long Term- Just an FYI - Patrick OConnell
To not miss out on the rapid changes in world geopolitical and in market trends – subscribe today – it's free – to my weekly MAG Newsletter!
Subscribe today – here:
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NOT Investment advice:
For the upcoming trading week, ending on 01/24/2025, my proprietary algo forecasts the following potential trend for each of the following metrics – either Bullish or Bearish:
VIX index: Has turned Bullish in a big way!
VVIX Index: Remains Bullish in a big way, as well!
Remember this - IMHO the markets ARE being manipulated - as in “rigged” -
You DID know that, of course!
What can possibly go wrong?
SPY index: Has (yet again) now turned Bullish in a BIG WAY!
Note: I STILL remain Bullish in the market - for the longer term - for Full DIsclosure!
Swing traders and day traders – Take Note of This!
West Texas Intermediate – Crude Oil: This one remains moderately Bullish for next week – although it weakened slightly this past week!
QQQ: This one remains Bullish - in a BIG WAY!
Copper: This one remains moderately Bullish - for next week!
We shall see how the upcoming trading week plays out.
NOT investment advice – as I am not an investment advisor!
Trade at your own risk.
Do your own due diligence!
• * Welcome to yet another week in which the Bulls (once again) rule!
*** ---*** *** --- ***
The Fed’s Plunge Protection Team, per Greg Mannarino, will do anything to hype-pump the markets and ensure that the Bulls remain in control—no matter the cost—no matter what it takes!
Always remember -
THE Debt Market will primarily be the canary in the coal mine, so to speak, as regards the direction of the equity markets—IMHO, of course—NOT investment advice!
The Takeaway:
My SPY-VIX Correlation Variation metric - – confirms - at least from a purely technical point of view (notwithstanding “Fed manipulation” monkey business) – that this coming week’s trend – at least according to this metric - remains Bullish (yet again!) for the week ahead!
This is – of course - NOT investment advice.
The following information- that I share applies to MAIN STREET -
Remember that Wall Street and Main Street are TOTALLY disconnected!!!
For the past few months, I have been saying that we are entering a global “Main Street” depression, not so much a recession!
PLEASE let me know your thoughts on this - Patrick
Keep in mind - however - Volatility is still very much with us!
Please note:
Concerning my
“VIX - SPY correlation-variance ” metric:
IF the VIX is trending DOWN. And the SPY is trending UP, for the most recent week of trading…then and only then will our VIX, SPY correlation-variance algo indicate a potential Risk-on, (Bullish) trend,for the upcoming week,…
This indication of a potential Bullish trend, however, currently typically happens - when the Fed is inclined to support the market.
Be VERY aware - of course - at all times - concerning when the rug pull comes!
If you follow Greg Mannarino’s podcasts- he will give you a sense of when to potentially get out of the market.
Currently he is back in the market (in a small way to be sure!) - as of 01/03/2025! – He says he is 90% OUT OF THE MARKET, however!
He says he is now (tentatively) back in the market with JEPQ - sort of like dipping his toe into the “water”!
A Reminder - Again - be sure to watch and bookmark his 09/21/2024 video! It explains “everything”!
As always - IMHO - Central Bankers rule the planet! NOT the political leadership of the various so-called nation-states of earth! - Just my opinion- of course!- Patrick
Be sure to follow Greg Mannarino for ongoing fluctuations in the market.
NOT investment advice, of course! I am not an investment advisor!
The Takeaway - AS the US economy (Main Street) continues to fall - the US stock markets will continue to rise (and also decline of course) -
IMHO - food, energy, and commodity prices will potentially HYPERINFLATE!
Just my opinion, of course!
///////// END ///////////
Daniel Riley –Mr.TopStep:
provides daily updates on the markets:
His website & free email newsletter are a MUST!!! —Patrick
Below - I shall share my favorite seven High Yield ETF’s that I am buying- for now -Each of them yields between approximately 40% -50%- and MORE - per annum-
NOT investment advice -
Do your own Due Diligence!
All of these ETFs typically pay a monthly dividend!!!
Tell your friends to subscribe now- to see what ETF’s are my favorites!
I prefer to invest in these things - in lieu of doing day or swing trades. Typically- I prefer a buy and hold strategy. Sometimes I sell them when they fail to “deliver” or do a reverse split- from which they struggle to recover from! You may want to check out this JOMO (Joy of Missing Out)strategy - or not- It’s your call!
All of my Fidelity retirement brokerage account data is current as of 01/17/2025:
I am sharing with you – my current Joy of Missing Out (JOMO) favorite High Yield ETFs – that I am regularly investing in – NOT investment advice –
I am NOT an investment advisor –
These are simply my favorite ETFs that feature (variable- as in they go up and DOWN!) high yields.
With a high ROI- a high risk of loss is “what you get’!
You can do your own Due Diligence at these websites:
I share information concerning the annual dividend returns on some ETFs that pay on a monthly basis. -
My favorites- which I disclose in detail - currently yield between 40% - 70% - and more on an annual ROI basis!
High Risk - High Returns! -
NOT Investment Advice! -
I am NOT an investment advisor!!! - Patrick OConnell
Don’t miss a single issue of the Newletter!
Subscribe and ALWAYS get my complete newsletter- typically the 2nd one each month with my breaking monthly update on the status of this High Yield - High Risk selection of my favorite ETFs - NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE - I am NOT an investment advisor.
Here is the data that I extracted from my Fidelity retirement brokerage account:
For paid subscribers:
The following information, which I call “The Portfolio” - is “typically - IN FUL - displayed” - ONLY for Paid Subscribers to The Market Algo Newsletter!
Please be sure – to read the FULL DISCLOSURE notice at the very top of every issue of The Market Algo Newsletter (NL)!
Become a PAID SUBSCRIBER to see which ETF’s I shall be buying on a weekly and/or monthly basis using new money and reinvesting the dividends these ETF’s generate on a weekly/monthly basis!
Here is the data for my 16 CURRENT / FAVORITE HOLDINGS (all pay dividends monthly - unless otherwise indicated) -
- that I extracted from my
Fidelity retirement brokerage account:
“The Porfolio”
% Yield
Symbol ROI Est Ann Income as of 012425
AIYY 94% $2330
AMDY 102 7874
BITO 56 1824
CONY 133 13516
CRSH 105 3766
FIAT 95 1583
IWMY 102 2078
MRNY 146 629
MSTY 103 8990
NFLY 47 306
NVDY 84 5501
QQQY 82 505
SQY 59 124
TSLY 84 1276
ULTY 120 8902
YBIT 65 210
Full Disclosure -
Important Updates:
012425: I moved my non-IRA 401-K funds into my Roth Ira- So that is why the dollar amounts and the estimated income from dividends are higher.
Become a PAID SUBSCRIBER to see which ETF’s I shall be buying on a weekly and/or monthly basis using new money and reinvesting the dividends these ETF’s generate on a weekly/monthly basis!
011825: I decided to focus on my top 16 favorite high yield – BUT VERY high-risk ETF’s as of 011725! I bought equal percentages of: CRSH, FIAT, IWMY, and MRNY on 011725 as well.
010225- I sold all of my MRNY - as I suspect an R/S(reverse split) may be imminent- Could be wrong- BUT I figured I would rather do the following on 010225- I bought: 25% each of: BITO, CRSH, MSTY, and AMDY.
12/30/24 update: I bought 50% each of: AMDY - ULTY
12/27/24 Update - Today I bought AMDY - ULTY - AIYY - and QQQY with funds received from my ETF’s.
Although QQQY is not one of my most favored ETF’s I figured I amy as well initiate a position in it - as it appears the QQQ is in a Bullish trend! Time will tell if I am making the right decision! After all- I am NOT an investment advisor- and none of the things I do is to be considered investment advice. You are simply along for the ride- as I travel my ETF journey moving forward!
//-//-// -//-//-//-//-//-//-//-//
On 12/26/2024 I bought AIYY and MSTY (50% of each one) - with funds received from the ETF dividends.
From time to time - I MAY (or may not) -
buy small amounts of shares in TSLY, RDTE (RDTE pays weekly) and YMAG and/or YMAX!
ALSO - I have AND have now decided to reinvest ALL dividends paid out in my Roth account - automatically (called a DRIP) -with the exception of :
* my above listed favorite holdings.
* which will NOT be reinvested automatically!
I shall redeploy those funds into my ETFs that I have identified as my three favorites above- each month!
Time will tell if this is a good decision - or NOT! We’ll see!
092124 Update: I sold half of my holdings in CONY to buy 929 shares of MRNY, along with “tracking shares” - as in 1 share for each of these high volatile ETFs (except for TSLR which pays no dividend - at least at this time):
I took a loss of about $6000 by sellling half of my CONY holoing - So- time will tell if I pulled the trigger too son. FWIW - I have an even greater amount of shares in my non tax-advantage Fidelity account- So - again - time will tell if I am overexposed in CONY.
Again - I am NOT providing any investment advice- ONLY sharing what I am doing with my own money!
12/06/24 UPDATE on this 092124 update --- In Retrospect- I think I should NOT have bought any MRNY - It’s “Current Value” has eroded SUBSTANTIALLY since I took my initial position in MRNY! Live and learn- I still own MRNY - BIT IMHO a Reverse Split (R/S) seems more and more likely!!!
8/09/24 Update: Note: I used Barchart.com for the “Curr Yield” for IWMY and QQQY - each of which - which underwent a 1:3 Reverse Split(R/S) on 080124!
Moving forward- I plan to buy(could change my mind, however - without notice, though) - on a monthly basis -equal percentages of:
These things are VERY volatile- so I have to be be able to adapt my purchase strategies - where appropriate - in buying (or NOT buying) them!
Just so you know - I prefer a buy and hold strategy - which does NOT typically ensure that the asset value of the ETFs that I hold will be above water!
This is for FULL DISCLOSURE concerning the VERY HIGH RISK of these things!
080924 - IMPORTANT - FULL DISCLOSURE: as of 080924: I will NOT be buying any more CONY at this time moving forward-
The rumor on StockTwits is that a R/S is going to happen sooner or later- IMHO- probably sooner! -
My guess is that it could be a 1:2 or a 1:3 R/S - The dividend yield will implode IMHO -
so I am ready for a BIG LOSS in my annual estimated dividend income on CONY! Just sayin’!
Just sharing the “bad news” - BEFORE the R/S!
090624 Update - Full Disclosure - Moving forward - I plan to buy more or less - equal dollar amounts of the following ETFs:
On 08/01/24 – Be aware that - BOTH IWMY and QQQY
Underwent a 1 for 3 REVERSE SPLIT (R/S) - thus reducing
My share count - as follows:
IWMY - from 130 shares to 43 shares
QQQY - from 237 shares to 79 shares
Note: On 08/16/2024 - I sold all my shares of IWMY and QQQY!
FULL DISCLOSURE: I have always indicated that these High Yield ETFs are VERY High Risk!
These ETF’s typically DO undergo a R/S - and can VERY negatively your asset value - AND a drastic reduction in yield!
IF you are risk averse - do NOT invest in ANY of these things!
They can and do bring a VERY LARGE degree of risk AND ALSO - LOSS to your asset value of these ETFs that you hold!
In plain English- Be prepared for LOSSES - that can be HUGE!
***You have been warned!***
051724 Information Updates - FYI As some of the folks I follow on https://stocktwits.com speculate that OARK may undergo a Reverse Stock (R/S) split- I am no longer buying any OARK.
052424 & 060724Update: I sold ALL of my OARK shares. I figured it is better to abandon a sinking ship before it goes completely underwater - as in when or if OARK undergoes a reverse split! Just an FYI and Full Disclosure thing!
These things are NOT for the faint of heart.
Remember - IF you invest in these kinds of ETFs - High ROI (as in High monthly dividends) incurs VERY HIGH RISK of LOSS of your asset value- AND these things pay -typically- MORE or LESS - Less- (can be)
You have been warned!
These ETFs are Not for widows and orphans’ life savings!
080224 Update: For now (080224) - on an ongoing basis- the monthly Algo Market NL - for the 2nd thru 4th week of each month’s issue- will NOT include the latest status of these ETF’s - SO, SUBSCRIBE NOW! - to get ALL of my NL’s!! (AND the updates/status of my ETF’s that I am buying / holding)!
I plan to reinvest the dividends & may put new money into them- in my Roth IRA around the 2nd wk or so of each month!
081624 Update: I bought more MRNY and ULTY on 081624 - FULL DISCLOSURE - I bought MRNY and ULTY with the proceeds of my sale of all the shares of IWMY and QQQY!
I felt they were underperforming! -
IF you are a paid subscriber - you would have been alerted of this ON 081624!!!
I provide an abridged newsletter at the end of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th week of each month - typically!
Don’t miss a single COMPLETE issue - SUBSCRIBE TODAY!
My Due Diligence (DD) resource url links - FYI:
I want to thank all of my wonderful subscribers to my Market Algo Newsletter:
In the name of Allah -
The Compassionate - The Merciful:
Alhamdulilah – Assalamualaikum –
May Peace Be Unto You!
Get free blogging tips & ideas -NOW:
ALSO – You may find some ideas for a blog post in any of the PDF files at the following URL – An archive of copies of a ‘zine that my wife, Joan and I published from 1977-1984. Unfortunately, upon her death in August 1984, I had to discontinue publication of this quarterly publication:
Detailed info on the ‘zine and my late wife- is here – though it does not mention that she was a published author during her life journey on our beloved planet:
Have you followed Aleph and Omega – The protagonists in my short story fictional series “The Fellowship of Dreams”?
Don’t miss the latest chapter (written in the style of #Tom Clancy):
The latest chapter –
The Hunt for the Shadow Master in Syria — Part 25
Aleph and Omega Go to the Shadow Citadel
Located at Lampshade of Illumination - is here:
//////// ------ ////////
But wait - there’s more -
Don’t miss the latest chapter of my novel – that I have serialized in Lampshade of Illumination (a Medium Publication), “Abalon Rising – The Chronicles of Abalon and Abrixis – The Quest for Balance” -
My latest installment:
Abalon Rising: The Chronicles of Abalon and Abrixis - Quest for Balance
Part 1 - Chapter 12: Elara’s Plan to Stop the King and the Convocation of Evil
A Battle of Light and Darkness
Get free blogging tips & ideas -NOW:
ALSO – You may find some ideas for a blog post in any of the PDF files at the following URL – An archive of copies of a ‘zine that my wife, Joan and I published from 1977-1984. Unfortunately, upon her death in August 1984, I had to discontinue publication of this quarterly publication:
Detailed info on the ‘zine and my late wife- is here – though it does not mention that she was a published author during her life journey on our beloved planet: